Rome City Schools hosts First Annual Super Showcase event Thursday

July 24, 2019–8:28 a.m.


Parents and students in Rome City Schools will have the opportunity to learn about valuable resources in their community, see some of the programs offered at their schools and pick up needed school supplies before the first day of classes on August 2, 2019.

For the first time ever, the RCS Parent Advisory Council has decided to offer their families a chance to start the new school year prepared by attending the Rome City Schools Super Showcase. The event will take place on July 25, 2019, at the Forum River Center. Doors open at 4 p.m. and will remain open until 6:30 p.m.

“If we are promoting that we are ‘One Rome,’ we felt it was important to all come together as one for our students,” said Ginger Rowston, Parent and Family Engagement Coordinator for Rome City Schools. “To kick off the school year we are inviting many different organizations and businesses to the Forum to tell our families about resources available to them in our community. We are also giving out school supplies and a Rome City Schools swag bag. This will be a drop-in event and we want to see our families in the building. We want them to see what our system and community has to offer.”

Rowston also said that the RHS drum line, the JRROTC cadets, student step teams, cheerleaders, representatives from numerous career pathways offered and more will welcome visitors to the Forum, detailing what parents and students can look forward to this year.

“When they drop in, we want families to walk around to different tables and receive information that may help them throughout the school year. Right now, we have around 50 community organizations scheduled to be there and all of our schools will also have a table,” Rowston explained. “There are about 14 career pathways from Rome High School that have already agreed to come out and showcase their programs. I can estimate that there will be around 70 tables at the Forum to greet our families.”

Rowston wanted to point out that this Super Showcase is not just about what they can offer from the school system, but what the community can offer, as well.

If shot records are not up to date, then RCS community partners like Floyd Medical Center will be there to provide the report needed to have your child immunized. Rowston and the system’s partners are also planning to provide free haircuts for children who are 12 years of age or younger. Free books and backpacks, registration for the First Readers program and even local colleges will help families by providing valuable information. And no one can resist the chance to snap a quick picture with Willie the Wolf, so he will be waiting for visitors in a photo booth.

Parents and students will get a look at the new school buses purchased by the system. The new transportation system will be operational starting in January of 2020. They can tour the bus, and ask questions about the new transportation system, bus safety and more. And for bus drivers, the human resources department will be taking applications for those who wish to join the RCS team.

Concessions will be available to purchase at the event. Also, parking will be available at the 3rd Avenue parking deck starting at 3 p.m. Rowston said that drivers can also park across the river next to the Marriott and at Barron Stadium, and at the Sara Hightower Library. The Roman Chariot will also be making trips from the parking areas to the Forum for those who need a ride from the parking lots.

“We want to provide the best opportunity for our families to be successful, and we want to build on the partnerships we share with our stakeholders and with our community,” Rowston said when asked why school administrators and their Parent Advisory Council decided to offer the Super Showcase this year. “Again, after listening to our parents and letting them tell us what they would like to see in our system, we are able to provide a few things that can really help them to be successful.”

Rome City Schools would like to say a special thank you to the following sponsors for their contributions to the Super Showcase:


First Baptist Church of Rome

Logical Systems

Starr Mathews Insurance Agency



“I want to thank these businesses for their sponsorship and I want to say thank you to all of the organizations for their help with the RCS Super Showcase,” Rowston said. “It takes a community to make sure our students have the best education possible.”