Rome High School receives advanced placement test scores

August 22, 2019–6:38 a.m.


Rome High School students received recognition for outstanding Advanced Placement (AP) scores this past week.

RHS boasts a total of 98 AP scholars with an average score of 3.69, plus 13 AP Scholars with Honors, 39 AP Scholars with Distinction,10 National AP Scholars and one AP International Diploma. This is an incredible advancement to the previous year’s results per Rome High School’s AP Coordinator, Amber Garlin.

The Advanced Placement (AP) courses offered at Rome High are certified through the College Board, and students who take those courses are given the opportunity to complete a test at the end of the course for the possibility of earning college credit before they leave high school. It is not required that students who participate in an Advanced Placement course take the corresponding AP exam because each student is still receiving high school credit regardless. However, in order to receive college credit, students must take the final AP exam and pass with a certain score (dependent on each university’s requirements).

There are five categories of Advanced Placement Exam scholars:

  • General AP Scholar: granted to students who receive scores of three or higher on three or more AP Exams.
  • AP Scholar with Honor: granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of three or higher on four or more AP Exams taken.
  • AP Scholar with Distinction: granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of three or higher on five or more of these exams.
  • National AP Scholar: granted to students in the United States who receive an average score of at least four on all AP Exams taken, and scores of four or more on eight or more of these exams.
  • AP International Diploma (APID): globally recognized certificate awarded to students who display exceptional achievement across a variety of disciplines. Available to international students attending secondary schools outside the U.S. and to U.S. high school students applying to universities outside the country, the APID certifies outstanding academic excellence with a global perspective. Students have to take any two (2) eligible AP world language or English exams if the exams are across two different languages with a score of three or higher.

46 of the 98 students at Rome High were classified as an AP Scholar with an average score of 2.98.

13 of the 98 students were honored as AP Scholar with Honors with an average score of 3.42.

39 of the 98 students were honored as AP Scholar with Distinction with an average score of 4.06.

10 of the 98 students were honored with the National AP Scholar award with an average score of 4.34.

1 of the 98 students was honored with an AP International Diploma with an average score of 4.42.

Rome High School had the most exams ever taken this past academic year with 385 students taking a combined total of 692 AP Exams. 245 of those students scored a three and above on the tests they took.

“As the AP coordinator I am extremely proud of our students and their hard work this year in the AP program,” smiled Garlin. “We have more students participating in AP classes and excelling in the AP exam than ever before in the history of Rome High school and will celebrate these students in the halls of Rome High and at several events designed to recognize their tremendous accomplishments.”

She continued,“Our teachers have worked diligently to create rigorous and meaningful experiences in their courses that will help our students achieve not only on their AP exams but in their endeavors after high school. The bar is set high with these students and teachers, and we will continue to strive to build an even stronger AP program with new opportunities to help all Rome High students achieve at the highest levels.”

Rome High School is planning a recognition for these outstanding AP Scholars on September 6th during the Rome versus North Clayton football game at Barron Stadium. They will be hosting a cookout for the scholars who passed exams and will recognize each student at half time.