October 30, 2019–7:55 a.m.
Sheriff Clark Millsap is pleased to announce that The Governor’s Office of Highway Safety (GOHS) awarded the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office $30,874.73 in grant funding for the 2020 season. The BCSO H.E.A.T. (Highway Enforcement of Aggressive Traffic) Unit is in the seventh year of operation.
Why Do We Have H.E.A.T.? Aggressive traffic (a term that includes speeding and impaired driving) is one of the leading causes of crashes that result in serious injuries and fatalities on the roadways of Georgia.
The goals are to reduce the number of impaired driving crashes in Georgia and to enforce laws targeting aggressive driving around Georgia. H.E.A.T. is designed to educate the public and enforce laws related to impaired and aggressive driving. Each officer is equipped with materials to educate Georgia residents about state laws that regulate aggressive and impaired driving. Education and enforcement must go hand-in-hand for the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and its statewide partners to be successful in reducing the number of crashes, fatalities, and injuries on our highways.
As law enforcement partners in the Operation Zero Tolerance DUI and Click It or Ticket seatbelt campaigns, the Bartow County Sheriff’s Office will also conduct mobilizations throughout the year in coordination with GOHS’s year-round waves of high visibility patrols, multi-jurisdictional road checks, and sobriety checkpoints.
October 2018 – September 2019 B.C.S.O. H.E.A.T. Stats
D.U.I. Arrests – 150 / Contacts – 314
Speeding Citations – 2573 / Warnings – 2348
Seat Belt Citations – 17 / Warnings – 620
Fugitive Apprehensions – 22
Drug Charges – 20
Hands Free Law Citations – 4 / Warnings – 15
Other Citations – 226
Community Events – 26
Car Seats Given Out – 38
Pictured: Deputy Philip Abernathy, Sgt. Matt Pifer and Deputy Corbett Tomsovic