City Commission sends El Patron citation back to the ACC

January 28, 2020–5:40 a.m.


Management at El Patron will get another chance to plead their case to the Rome Alcohol Control Commission.

The business was cited by Rome Police for a noise violation in November.

The ACC had recommended the suspensions of the establishment’s beer pouring and entertainment licenses for close to a month after no one from El patron showed up for a hearing on January 21.

Chris Jackson, who is representing El Patron, apologized on behalf of the owner.

“He intended to be there, he just thought it was on January 23,” Jackson said.  “That turned out to be very devastating.  If the city approves the recommendation of the Alcohol Control Commission, it would be devastating to this business.”

There have been a number of hearings before the ACC regarding El Patron since 2014, primarily for noise violations but also for fighting, the manager drinking while on duty, overcrowding, and after-hours alcohol sales.

Jackson noted management has changed since then.

“So see seven times over several years, that’s true, I was there for all of them,” he said.  “However, it’s been many years since we’ve had those issues.”

The Rome City Commission voted to send the matter back to the ACC for another hearing, which will be held on February 17.