Flood Warnings, Watches in effect

February 10, 2020–8:13 a.m.


The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Warning for the Oostanaula River in Calhoun and Rome, the Coosa River near Rome Mayos Bar Lock & Dam Park and Armuchee Creek. At 1 AM Monday, the stage for the Oostanaula River in Rome was 21.5 feet and minor flooding is forecast.  The flood stage is 25 feet.  The river is forecast to rise above flood stage by tomorrow late morning and continue to rise to near 27.9 feet by Wednesday morning.  The river will fall below flood stage by Thursday morning.  At 28 feet, moderate flooding begins. Water will enter basements of lower two city blocks near the gage site. Flood gates on Second Avenue and Avenue A must be closed.

At 2 AM Monday, the Oostanaula stage at Calhoun was 25.5 feet and steady. The flood stage is 21 feet. At 25 feet…Minor flooding continues to expand into the woodlands, fields, and pastures upstream and downstream from the gage behind the water treatment plant off Mauldin Road. A boat ramp and small parking lot on the upstream and right bank side of the Georgia Highway 136 Connector will be under at least 4 feet of water.

At 2 AM Monday, the Coosa River was at 24.8 feet.  At 24 feet…Minor flooding begins of the woodlands, fields, and pastures along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on the old Lock and Dam behind the Trading Post. The boat ramp will be mostly underwater at the Lock and Dam Park. At 1 AM Monday, the stage for Armuchee Creek was 19.6 feet and steady with minor flooding is occurring.  The flood stage is 19 feet.

A Flood Watch for most of the area goes into effect at 1 this afternoon and will remain in effect through Tuesday evening.  Several waves of moderate to heavy rain are expected through Tuesday evening. Two to four inches of rain with locally higher amounts are possible. Flooding could also occur in low-lying and urbanized areas, rivers, creeks, and streams, which could continue well after the rain ends.