Flood Warning for the Coosa River

February 20, 2020–5:57 a.m.


The Flood Warning continues for the Coosa River near Rome Mayos Bar Lock & Dam Park and the Coosa River near Plant Hammond

At 4 AM Thursday, the stage was 26.4 feet and falling.

Minor flooding is occurring and expected to continue.

Flood stage is 24 feet.

At 26 feet, Minor flooding continues in the woodlands, fields, and pastures along the river upstream and downstream from the gage on the old Lock and Dam behind the Trading Post.

The boat ramp will be completely under water at Lock and Dam Park.

Meanwhile, at 1 PM Wednesday the stage at Plant Hammond was 575.1 feet.

Flood stage is 570 feet and minor flooding is occuring.

At 575 feet, moderate flooding begins. Significant flooding occurs in the woodlands…fields, and pasture along the river upstream and downstream from the gage behind Plant Hammond.

The access road near the intakes behind the plant will be under two feet of water.

The boat ramp near the intakes and a small portion of an access road near and under the Georgia Highway 100 bridge will be under 5 feet of water.