Shaw to temporarily shut down many of its operations

April 2, 2020–5:20 a.m.


Citing a disruption of business associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Shaw Industries has announced they will temporarily suspend many of its manufacturing operations in the U.S.

The staggered, temporary shutdowns will begin on April 6 and operations will ramp back up over time based on market demand, with some operations starting back up as soon as April 13.

Shaw will support its associates during this time by filing for their unemployment benefits.

Below is a letter from Tim Baucom, President, Shaw Industries

As we all experience unprecedented circumstances that are impacting every aspect of our daily lives, Shaw is committed to supporting our associates and their families, our customers and our communities through this difficult time.

COVID-19 continues to impact Shaw, our economy, our customers and our suppliers. Due to the disruption of business associated with the pandemic, Shaw will temporarily suspend many of its manufacturing operations in the U.S. The staggered, temporary shutdowns will begin on April 6, 2020. The operations will ramp back up over time based on market demand, with some operations starting back up as soon as April 13, 2020. Shaw will support its associates during this time by filing for their unemployment benefits.

During these temporary shutdowns, sales, distribution, administration, and some manufacturing facilities will continue to operate to meet the needs of our stakeholders, including our customers, our associates, and the communities where we operate.

Shaw has an expansive soft and hard surface inventory in North America and a diverse supply chain both in the U.S. and internationally. We currently do not anticipate any major service disruptions.

Since the outbreak of this pandemic, we have developed comprehensive, emergency response policies and procedures to support our associates during these challenging times. We care about our associates’ safety while they are at work, as well as when they are at home and in the community. It will truly take all of us working together to defeat this virus.

Highlights of our policies and procedures include:

  • If an associate determines he/she is unable to work or is uncomfortable at work, they can choose to stay home. This allows associates to make the best choices for their families. Associates may use their regular paid or unpaid time off options.
  • Should an associate have a confirmed case of COVID-19 or be placed into quarantine at the request of local health officials, a medical professional, or Shaw, the associate will receive paid leave for up to 14 calendar days.
  • For work taking place at Shaw facilities, we’ve implemented enhanced, extensive cleaning methods that occur at the beginning and end of every shift.
  • We have limited in-person meetings and are avoiding plant-to-plant travel.
  • Shaw’s Employee Assistance Program is available at no cost to associates and their households.
  • We’ve provided frequent updates regarding our policies and procedures and remind our associates of health and safety guidelines to follow at work and in their personal lives to maintain their health and safety.

Additionally, while our facilities are shut down, the company will continue to enhance cleaning protocols and social distancing practices, and further train leaders regarding how to best operate our facilities during these unprecedented times.

To learn more about Shaw’s COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts, visit