Rome High students recognized as 2020 Georgia Scholars

May 14, 2020–8:33 a.m.


A trio from the 2020 Rome High School graduating class, and of 295 graduating seniors in the entire state have been honored by the state’s Department of Education as Georgia Scholars.

The three seniors, Eleanor Bailey, Aaron Bartleson, and Shelby Wilder were selected because of their excellence in school life, their community activities, and at home.

Being named a Georgia Scholar shows that a student has carried exemplary course loads throughout high school and performed excellently in those courses.  The honor also exhibits that the student participated successfully in interscholastic events at school, their community, and they held active roles in extracurricular activities sponsored by their schools.

RHS Principal Dr. Eric Holland says of the accomplishment, “I’m super proud of the Class of 2020. It makes me a proud principal, and Rome High a blessed school to have three students to achieve this honor”.

Each Georgia Scholar will receive a seal to be placed on their high school diploma.

Through the tough changes of this graduating class’s senior year, RCS students being rewarded for their hard work is an awesome thing to witness. “We are honored to have the opportunity to play a small role in our students’ lives,” says Dr. Holland. “The students continue to bring us all joy even during times like these. Our students along with all others in the area and around the state deserve this great honor”.

Let’s all congratulate these students for such a tremendous honor.