Improvements coming to COVID-19 Daily Status Report

August 18, 2020–9:32 p.m.


Effective Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 3 p.m., there will be several improvements to the COVID-19 Daily Status Report on the Georgia Department of Public Health’s (DPH) website. These changes are designed to make the dashboard more user-friendly while providing an accurate picture of COVID-19 in Georgia.

The changes to the Daily Status Report will include:

  • Map changes:

The way you choose which maps to view has changed. You are now able to choose the map you would like to view as well as change the date being viewed. In addition, % PCR positive lab data have been added. To use the new features:

o   Choose ”Cases,” Testing” or “Deaths,” then use the drop-down menu to choose cumulative “Cases,” “Cases per 100K,” ”Deaths,” “Deaths per 100K,” “% Positive,” or data for the ”Last two weeks.” On the map, you can hover or click to find out additional details such as number of deaths, hospitalizations, case rate, etc. Selecting a county will also update the cases over time charts.

o   By clicking on the date above the map, you can select a past date to see historic maps, using the current color scale.

o   Two maps have been added to reflect percent positive PCR by county

  • “% Positive Last two weeks”: Reflects the percent positive PCR tests reported through ELR by county during the last two weeks.
  • % Positive Overall”: Reflects the cumulative percent positive PCR tests reported through ELR by county.
  • “COVID-19 Over Time” now has the option to select total PCR tests and percent positive PCR tests.
  • A link has been added to access Georgia hospital capacity and current COVID-19 hospitalization data:

For updates on COVID-19, follow @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Twitter and @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Facebook.

For information about COVID-19, visit or