More than 3-million have voted statewide

October 28, 2020–7:37 a.m.


In-person advanced voting for the November 3 General Election continues.

You have just today, Thursday, and Friday to vote early or you will have to wait and vote at your polling place on Election Day.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger encourages everyone to take advantage of the opportunity to vote early.

“They will be the shortest lines that you are going to see,” he said.  “We’ve already had 3-million voters vote.  One million absentee ballots have been accepted and 2-million have voted in person.  We’re having fantastic turnout.”

Raffensperger also had some advice for those who have not mailed in their absentee ballots yet.

“Go ahead and fill it out and then drop it off at one of the county elections drop boxes,” he said.  “Otherwise, you are putting yourself at the mercy of the United States Postal Service.  To be counted, absentee ballots have to be received no later than 7 p.m. on November 3. So, don’t take chances, use one of those county election drop boxes.”

For more information about voting, you can go to the secretary of state’s website at