Funds could soon be available for rent, mortgage, utility assistance

December 15, 2020–8:12 p.m.


The City of Rome has received a second round of funding from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

Rome City Commissioner Mark Cochran said one of the options for this latest round of funding, which is over $255,000, is to help residents with rental, mortgage and utility assistance for upwards of three months.

“The only caveat being that 51% of the assistance would have to go to low or moderate-income families,” he said.  “The rest of it is wide open, so if you need upwards of three months of assistance for rent and utilities or a mortgage and utilities, the money is there for it.”

The funds could start rolling out in late January or early February.

There will be a grant application process similar to the one used to assist small businesses earlier this year.