General Forrest Statue removed from monument at Myrtle Hill

January 29th, 2021 – 11:20 AM

Staff Reports –

 On Friday morning, The City of Rome removed Civil War Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest‘s Statue from the top his monument at the base of the Myrtle Hill Cemetery.

According to a statement provided by Rome Communications Director Kristi Kent, “He will be placed in secure, undisclosed storage until such time a decision is made concerning placement at Jackson Hill.”

on July 13th of 2020, The Rome City Commission approved a resolution expressing the desire to relocate the statue of Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest from Myrtle Hill Cemetery to Fort Norton on Jackson Hill where the monument will be “properly interpreted, preserved, and protected.”

(Regarding the statue’s interpretation) The commission approved the formation of an interpretation committee to tell “the full story: the good and the bad.”

During the same meeting, The city commission also approved the formation of a monuments advisory committee.

Their job will be to explore possible monuments in various areas of the city to include Rome’s complete and total history.

***You can read the July 2020 resolution regarding the statue removal  HERE.