Rome City Commission meets Monday

April 25, 2021–5:38 p.m.


The Rome City Commission will consider penalties for a business cited for selling alcohol to an underage person when they meet Monday night.

Rome City Police and the Alcohol and Tobacco Division of the Georgia Department of Revenue conducted a compliance check at several establishments on March 10.

Maple Food Mart was cited and the Rome Alcohol Control Commission is recommending a $1,000 fine and a 10-day suspension of the business’s beer package license.

In other action, Rome City Manager Sammy Rich will give an update on the Redmond Trail.

Commissioners will also consider a rezoning request for property on Woodrow Wilson Way for the development of a multi-family residential apartment complex and an application to annex property located at 34 Crosscreek Drive.

Other agenda items include January through March 2021 Recycling Deficit Invoices and recognition of awards from the Government Finance Officers Association.

During the caucus, the commission will hear a presentation from the planning department.

The caucus begins at 5 p.m. with the regular meeting to follow at 6:30 at Rome City Hall.