Gordon Sheriff Recognizes Jail Staff Officers For Life Saving Events

May 25th, 2021 – 4:05 PM

Gordon County Sheriff’s Office –

Sheriff Mitch Ralston recognized three jail staff members for saving the lives of two jail inmates, in two separate medical emergencies at the jail, in 2020.

Jailor Justin L. Goforth received the Sheriff’s Meritorious Service Award medal for life-saving actions on July 11, 2020, during which he rescued an inmate who couldn’t breathe from choking on a portion of food, employing the Heimlich Maneuver to dislodge the food from the inmate’s throat. The inmate survived. Jailor Goforth has been employed by the Sheriff’s Office since April, 2018.

Lieutenant Brian Brannon and Sergeant J.T. Hicks both received Sheriff’s Meritorious Service Award medals for their life-saving actions on July 31, 2020, during which they rescued an inmate who’d suffered a cardiac arrest, employing cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) as well as an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED). This inmate was revived and also survived. Lieutenant Brannon has been employed by the Sheriff’s Office since March 2015. Sergeant Hicks has been employed by the Sheriff’s Office since June 2017.

“Today, we recognize three outstanding employees who made the ultimate contribution in public safety: they directly saved lives. The preservation of life is our highest duty, and these officers, Jailor Goforth, Sergeant Hicks, and Lieutenant Brannon all exhibited calmness under pressure, forethought, the ability to think and react rapidly, as well as devotion to duty.” Their citations read, in part, that “their actions were in keeping with the highest traditions of the Office of Sheriff”.