Hospitalizations up due to COVID-19 in Rome and Floyd County

August 2, 2021–7:44 p.m.


COCID-19 cases are up across the state.

Floyd County has reported 98 positive tests in the last two weeks along.

Dr. Gary Voccio, health director for the 10-county Georgia Department of Public Health Northwest District said we are also seeing an increase in hospitalizations.

“About a month ago, we had maybe a half a dozen patients in our two local hospitals with COVID,” he said.  “Now, it’s over 32 or 33 patients.  Most all of them are unvaccinated and some are on ventilators in the ICU.  It’s a very serious condition we are in community-wide.  Is it going to be a short-term situation?… Possibly.  How long?…No one can say.”

Dr. Voccio added the surge is due to the Delta variant of the virus, which is more contagious and transmissible.

“Fortunately, we have not seen an accelerated death rate,” Dr. Voccio added.  “We are worried about people being hospitalized with COVID, and most of them aren’t vaccinated.  So, we are just encouraging people to get vaccinated.”

According to the latest numbers from the Georgia Department of Public Health, 36% of Floyd County residents have had at least one dose of the vaccine, while 33% have been fully vaccinated.