GDOT to present in Small Business Seminar in Rome

October 13th, 2021 – 12:25 PM

Georgia Department of Transportation –

The Georgia Department of Transportation (Georgia DOT), in partnership with the Rome Floyd Chamber of Commerce and the Rome UGA Small Business Development Center, will be presenting at a seminar titled “Learn How Business Certifications Can Help You Grow Your Business.”  Focused on small businesses in Georgia, the program will provide best practices to secure federal, state, and local contracts as a prime or subcontractor.

Menelik R. Alleyne, assistant administrator of external programs at Georgia DOT, will address how companies should position themselves to pursue contracts with Georgia DOT. Other topics of discussion will include understanding the key components necessary to prosper in government contracting, identifying the different types of certifications, and how to determine which one to pursue and best practices for small to midsize government contractors.

WHAT:       Learn How Business Certifications Can Help You Grow Your Business
WHEN:      Tuesday, October 19th, 2021, 9:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
WHERE:    Rome Floyd Chamber of Commerce: 1 Riverside Pkwy NE, Rome, GA 30161 & virtually
COST:        $69 with 25% early bird discount. Lunch will be provided for in-person participants
CONTACT: [email protected]