January 4th, 2022 – 4:15 PM
Rome Floyd Chamber –
The Rome Floyd Chamber announces a rescheduled date for the 2022 Business EXPO along with sharing upcoming events and news from the Chamber.
- The Rome Floyd Chamber has rescheduled the 2022 Business EXPO to November 3rd. While the Chamber is disappointed that the EXPO will not be held on January 13th, the safety and well-being of our attendees and vendors are our top priority. There are 15 booths that remain available for the November EXPO. Please contact Thomas Kislat (tkislat@romega.com) if you are interested in participating.
- Nominations for Small Business of the Year, Large Business of the Year, Nonprofit of the Year and Exceptional 7 Young Professional awards will begin January 10th. Nomination forms will be available at romega.com.