Floyd County Commission meets Tuesday

July 25, 2022–5:56 p.m.


The Floyd County Board will consider the adoption of a resolution calling for a referendum to regulate Sunday sales of package and on-premises alcoholic beverages when they meet today.

If approved by the commission tonight and if approved by voters, sales would be permitted from 11:00 am to midnight on Sundays.

Commissioners are also set to adopt the 2022 millage rate when they meet this evening.

The vote on the tax rate for county maintenance and operations, solid waste, fire protection, and county schools will take place following a third and final public hearing.

Also on the agenda is a special use permit for a custom service restaurant at 3424 Maple Road.

Commissioners will also consider a rezoning from Agricultural-Residential to Light Industrial for property at 3686 Turkey Mountain Road.

The meeting will be held at the County Administration Building located at 12 East 4th Avenue.

The caucus will begin at 4:00 pm in the Caucus Room followed by the Board Meeting at 6:00 pm in the Community Room.

The meetings are open to the public.

You can view the agenda HERE.