14th District Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene discusses looming government shutdown during Rome town hall Thursday

Friday, September 1, 2023–9:54 a.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

A government shutdown is looming, if Congress does not pass a new spending measure by the end of the month.

14th District Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke about the budget during a town hall meeting in Rome Thursday.

“I want to do my job of funding the government, but I will not vote to fund the government unless we have passed an impeachment inquiry on Joe Biden,” she said. “I will not fund the weaponized part of the government. I will not vote for a continuing resolution that funds mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and COVID. I will not vote to fund a war in Ukraine. I will not fund those things and I thought it was most important for me to tell you all first because I work for you.”

The White House wants Congress to pass a short-term spending bill to avoid a shutdown.

In a statement issued Thursday night, the White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said: “The last thing the American people deserve is for extreme House members to trigger a government shutdown that hurts our economy, undermines our disaster preparedness, and forces our troops to work without guaranteed pay.”

Thursday’s town hall in Rome was the second that Greene has held in the district in August. The other was in Calhoun on August 8.

In addition to her comments on the budget, Greene also expressed frustration at not being able to get more things done in Congress, noting that there are 220 Republicans in the House and it takes 218 votes to get something passed. She also took time to answer questions from those in attendance at the town hall.

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