Wednesday, April 10, 2024–5:51 p.m.
-David Crowder, WRGA News-

The Floyd County Commission has declared April 10-20 as National Telecommunicators Week, a time to recognize the work done by E-911 dispatchers.
Commissioner Rhonda Wallace read from a proclamation during Tuesday’s commission meeting.
“Public safety telecommunicators are the first and most critical contact our citizens with emergency services,” she said. “Public Safety telecommunications are the single vital link for our police officers and firefighters by monitoring their activities by radio, providing them information and ensuring their safety.”
Anna Lively, dayshift lieutenant at the Rome-Floyd County E-911 Center thanked the commission for the recognition.
“We really do appreciate it,” she said. We still love our new center. It makes coming into work every day much more comfortable and efficient.”
$275,000 was earmarked in the 2017 special purpose local option sales tax for the E-911 center upgrades, which include a Viper 911 system upgrade, a new break room with new vending machines, and also eight new console workstations.
The E-911 center, located on the second floor of the joint Law Enforcement Center in downtown Rome, provides communications for all public safety agencies in Floyd County including public works and emergency management of volunteers during disaster relief.