Wednesday, November 13, 2024–6:06 p.m.
-Staff reports-
Floyd County photos

Two Floyd County Sheriff’s Deputies and one Rome Police Officer were honored during Tuesday’s Floyd County Commission meeting for their actions in rendering aid to citizens in need during a couple of incidents last month.
According to Captain Steve Acker with the sheriff’s office, on October 10, Deputy Michael Poster and Officer Scott Kent with the Rome PD responded to a residence on East Valley Road in reference to a woman who had been attacked by her dog.
“Dispatch advised that the dog was locked onto the woman’s arm and that she could not get loose,” Acker said. “Upon arrival at the residence, Deputy Poster retrieved his medical kit from his patrol unit and located the victim on the back steps of the residence. The victim had separated herself from the dog and it was contained inside the home. Deputy Poster observed that the victim was bleeding profusely and that her right firearm was missing a large portion of flesh and tissue. He also observed that the victim had bones and tendons exposed inside the wound. Deputy Poster retrieved some gauze from his medical kit, and with the assistance of Officer Kent, was able to wrap the victim’s wound and stop the bleeding. The victim was eventually turned over to EMA upon their arrival.”
On October 5, Floyd County Sheriff’s Office SGT. Jeff Black responded to the West Rome Walmart in reference to a man who had collapsed inside the store, and was not breathing.
“Upon arrival, he retrieved his department-issued AED and went inside the store,” Acker said. “The male subject was still unresponsive and the color had changed in his face. SGT. Black deployed the AED, which advised to shock the patient. SGT. Black moved the bystanders back and delivered one shock to the patient. SGT. Black then began delivering chest compressions while listening to the AED. He and a bystander took turns doing CPR until firefighters arrived on the scene. The firefighters were able to obtain a pulse on the patient who was transported to the hospital.”
A firefighter on the scene stated that SGT. Black’s actions saved the patient’s life.