Sunday, December 8, 2024–5:10 p.m.
-News Release-

Rome City Schools showed growth in some areas of the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) scores released by the Georgia Department of Education today.
The CCRPI is Georgia’s statewide accountability measurement as required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA).
The CCRPI assesses how well students are prepared for college and careers. It measures content mastery, progress, closing gaps, readiness, and graduation rate for high schools. In 2023, the overall CCRPI score was eliminated. Individual composite scores are reported on a 0 to 100 scale.
District-wide, Rome City Schools showed growth in content mastery and closing the gaps for elementary schools. Rome High School showed growth in all four categories as well as graduation rate. Rome Middle School didn’t show growth but stayed consistent in three of the four categories.
Rome City Schools elementary schools have grades second through five measured on elementary CCRPI standards while the sixth-grade students at the schools are measured on middle school CCRPI standards.
Content mastery addresses whether students are achieving at the level necessary to be prepared or the next grade, college, or career.
Closing gaps addresses whether all students and all student subgroups are meeting pre-set improvement targets. Progress measures how much growth individual students made compared to previous Georgia Milestone Assessments. Readiness addresses reading level, attendance, and participation beyond the core classes. Additionally, it measures advanced enrollment participation and pathway completion percentage. Graduation rate is a metric used only at the high school level and measures the four and five-year graduation rate.
Several Rome City Schools showed growth in CCRPI categories. Anna K. Davie Elementary showed growth in content mastery and readiness in elementary categories and growth in all four middle school categories. East Central Elementary showed growth in content mastery and closing gaps in both elementary and middle school categories as well as growth in progress in elementary categories. West Central Elementary showed growth in content mastery, closing gaps, and readiness in elementary categories. West End Elementary showed growth in content mastery, closing gaps, and progress in elementary categories. Elm Street Elementary showed growth in content mastery in elementary categories. Main Elementary showed growth in progress for middle school categories.
Rome Middle School stayed consistent in content mastery, progress, and readiness for middle school categories. Rome High School showed growth in content mastery, closing gaps, progress, readiness, and graduation rate.
Under the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), each U.S. state is required to have a statewide accountability system that complies with federal requirements, providing information
on how well schools are performing. The CCRPI meets that requirement in Georgia and satisfies requirements for school accountability in state law.
“This year’s College and Career Ready Performance Index scores paint a clear picture of academic improvement across grade levels in Georgia’s public schools,” State School Superintendent Richard Woods said. “While we have seen scores increase on state and national assessments, the CCRPI also encompasses other indicators – from schools’ success at improving the performance of all students to the opportunities offered beyond core subject areas. These scores show advancements across the curriculum, and where there are areas for improvement, the data allow us to make a focused effort toward growth.”
“Rome City Schools continues to work to make sure all of our students are prepared for college or work. We are proud of the areas that show growth and we plan to go back over the numbers and work on the areas that need improvement,” Superintendent Dr. Eric L. Holland said.