Wednesday, February 26, 2025–9:35 a.m.
-Staff reports-

Low relative humidity, winds, and dry conditions have heightened the risk of grass fires in North Georgia.
A number of out-of-control grass fires were reported to Floyd County E-911 on Tuesday, and the National Weather Service issued a Fire Danger Statement, which is in effect from noon until 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Keep fire a minimum of 100 feet from all buildings.
Never use gasoline, kerosene, or any other flammable liquid to start a fire.
Do not leave a fire unattended.
Have extinguishment materials on hand, including a water supply, shovel,s and rakes.
Be prepared to extinguish your fire if the winds pick up.
DO NOT delay a call for help – call at the first sign of the fire getting out of control.
Over in Alabama on Tuesday, a woods fire, which may have started on County Road 1010, jumped County Road 104 and was burning in the area leading up to the Bluffs along County Road 767 near Cedar Bluff.
The winds were fanning the flames, and it seemed to be spreading quickly; there were approximately 20 acres burned.