Floyd County and Rome City School Boards meet Monday morning

July 13, 2019–10:30 p.m.


The Floyd County Board of Education will hold the 3rd and final Public Hearing for the 2019 Millage rate at 7:30 am Monday morning.

The board plans to lower the rate from 18.3 mils to 18.25 mils.

Even though that is a decrease, it is not lower than the rollback rate, so public hearings are required by Georgia law.

The regular meeting will be held following the public hearing with the caucus starting at 8:00 am and board meeting at 8:30.

All will be held in the superintendent’s office.

Meanwhile, the Rome Board of Education will have a called meeting on Monday at 11:30 a.m.

The meeting will be held in the Superintendent’s Office at the Board of Education Administrative Offices located at 508 East Second Street.

The purpose of the meeting is to discuss personnel, potential real estate acquisitions, as well as other items.

The Board will immediately go into executive session.