City Commission approves speed detection camera ordinance

September 23, 2019–10:17 p.m.


The Rome City Commission has approved an ordinance that paves the way for the installation of speed detection cameras in school zones in the city limits.

City Manager Sammy Rich said this ordinance would allow the city to enter into a future agreement with a provider.

“Thus far, we have had a discussion and a presentation, as you may recall, from a group called Redspeed,” he said.  “This follows the prescribed procedures of the State of Georgia that would allow for the automated traffic enforcement safety device.”

The vote was not unanimous.

Commissioner Wendy Davis was one of the “No” votes.

“I would be a lot more comfortable if we waited for other cities to try it to see what worked or what didn’t work,” Davis said.  “Particularly how the red light cameras, which were years and years ago, came in and then went away with a lot of turmoil in between.”

Commissioner Jamie Doss also voted against the ordinance.

“This is a different type of enforcement,” he said.  “The fact that you do not realize that you’ve done something wrong until you get a ticket in the mail, I’m not sure that’s going to create a safer school zone.  So, I would also like to hit the pause button and see what other Georgia communities find out.”

Bill Irmscher was the only other “no” vote.

Commissioner Evie McNiece spoke in favor of the ordinance.

“The thing about this is, if you obey the law you’re not going to be penalized,” she said.  “It’s real simple. It’s just another way to keep our kids safe.”

You can read the ordinance here.