Rome law firm hired as Gordon County Attorney

Wednesday, March 12, 2025–10:45 a.m.

-David Crowder, WRGA News-

Earlier this week, the Gordon County Board of Commissioners voted to hire a county attorney.

McRae, Smith, Peek, Harman & Monroe, LLP also serves as the Floyd County Attorney.

Chris Jackson spoke on behalf of the law firm before the vote.

“I’m from Floyd County, I grew up in Cave Spring,” he told commissioners. “Most of our lawyers are folks who grew up in Northwest Georgia and decided to come back because we care about the communities that we live in and live around. When I was first starting, not practicing law but working, my first boss was Phil Gingrey, our congressman at the time, and this was my territory for him when I was a young constituent services representative. I got to know Gordon County a little bit and got to introduce him to Gordon County because he was brand new to covering this area. So, I love Gordon County and have spent a lot of time here over the years, and a lot of my partners have as well. We’ve litigated here in the Gordon County courts a good bit and are familiar with all the judges.”

Jim Ledbetter has been serving as both county attorney and county administrator since 2017.