Five Floyd County students named REACH scholarship recipients

October 20, 2019–3:31 a.m.


Five Floyd County Schools (FCS) eighth-graders and their parents or guardians signed their REACH (Realizing Educational Achievement Can Happen) Georgia Scholarships before representatives of a local postsecondary institution, counselors, and school and FCS administrators to become members of the REACH Scholars Class of 2024 on Wednesday.

The FCS 2019 REACH Georgia Scholars are:

  • Mya Baca, Pepperell Middle

  • Sabrina Duncan, Coosa Middle

  • Christopher Fife, Pepperell Middle

  • Sean McLamb, Armuchee Middle

  • Remington “Ace” Money, Model Middle

REACH Georgia is a needs-based mentorship and scholarship program that begins in eighth grade. It is a program that is a part of the state’s Complete College Georgia initiative, which was created by Gov. Nathan Deal to increase by 60 percent the number of Georgians graduating with relevant postsecondary degrees by 2025, to support the state’s ever-changing workforce.

REACH Scholars are paired with a mentor and an academic coach through middle and high school. Scholars must maintain good grades (2.5 GPA), behavior and attendance through middle school and high school. Scholars who successfully complete the program and graduate from high school are awarded a $10,000 scholarship ($2,500/year) that can be used at any HOPE-eligible institution in Georgia. Representatives from Shorter University’s School of Education attended the signing ceremonies and informed the families that as a postsecondary partner of the program, they would generously match the full REACH scholarship amount for any Scholar that chooses to attend the school.

For more information about the REACH Georgia Scholarship, please visit