Rome City Commission meets Monday

December 15, 2019–7:55 p.m.


Second Reading of the City of Rome’s proposed 2020 budgets is on the agenda for Monday night’s Rome City Commission meeting.

Budgeted 2020 tax revenues assume a slight increase in the digest but no millage rate increase.

There is no budgeted increase for the fifth straight year for business licenses and landfill fees.

There is a 2.5% increase in water and sewer rates, which has already been approved by the city commission.

The general fund is a balanced budget with only a 3.1% increase in operational expenses.

You can view the draft budgets here.

Also on Second Reading tonight is an amendment to the noise ordinance pertaining to garbage dumpsters.

According to Rome City Clerk Joe Smith, the change excludes containers of 100 gallons or less from the hourly restrictions.

Monday night’s City Commission meeting begins at 6:30 p.m.