Rome City Schools announces Virtual Online Tutoring

September 27, 2020–5:30 p.m.


Rome City Schools is busy preparing for the launch of a new 20-week Virtual Online Live Tutoring program (VOLT) that will be available to ALL Rome City Schools students (K-12) starting Monday, September 28th and continuing through March 19th, 2021.

In recognition of the specific needs of in-person learning students, virtual students, as well as students who may need to be quarantined, Rome City Schools will be providing after-hours supplemental support for all learners to get extra help with their studies through our virtual tutoring program, VOLT.

“We are very excited to offer this innovative and individualized program for our students. We recognize that our students might need extra support during these difficult times, and our teachers and administrators are accepting the challenge to provide students with the tools and resources they need to be successful,” said Dr. Leslie Dixon, Director of Federal Programs for Rome City Schools. “Teachers who are certified in each grade-level and content area will be available to help any student who logs in during tutoring hours. Students can ask for help with homework, they can review with a tutor for an upcoming test, or they can practice a particular skill or standard. Our tutors will be there to meet their needs.”

Students who participate in VOLT will be required to sign into their Google accounts in order to participate in live video chats with RCS teachers. Each tutoring session will have a unique Google Classroom code that will be shared with parents in that grade via SchoolStatus and through flyers that are being sent home to each grade level. Tutoring hours vary some from grade to grade depending on teacher availability, but most elementary sessions will be held from 4:00-6:30 pm Monday through Thursday, and most middle and high school sessions will be held from 4:30-7:00 pm Monday through Thursday.

ELA tutoring and math tutoring will be offered simultaneously by two teachers in grades 3-12, while one teacher who can support both ELA and math will be working with students in K-2. Teachers certified in ESOL and Special Education will also be on-hand to provide supplemental services to students who will receive invitations to participate in additional sessions designed to support their needs.

The VOLT tutoring program is made possible through the use of Title I-A, Title III, and IDEA funds. For more information about VOLT, contact Rome City Schools Central Office at 706-236-5050. To speak with Leslie Dixon, Regular Education/Title I, dial ext. 5089. To speak with Kriszti Kilpatrick, Special Education, dial ext. 5069. To speak with Noel Wilkinson, English Learners, dial ext. 5071.