HOPE Alliance gearing up for holiday campaign to help the homeless

November 9, 2020–8:45 p.m.


Monday night, the Rome City Commission hosted leaders from a network of nonprofit agencies for a ceremonial signing to mark the official founding of the HOPE Alliance for Rome and Floyd County.

Founding Members of the HOPE Alliance include: The Community Kitchen, Elevation House, Good Neighbor Ministries, Hospitality House, the Interagency Council on Preventing Homelessness, Living Proof Recovery, and the William S. Davies Shelters.

The signing represents three commitments, according to Carrie Edge with the HOPE Alliance.

“First, we commit to community service and fundraising on behalf of the alliance,” she said.  “Secondly, to the promotion of the HOPE Alliance mission, which is to identify and implement proven strategies that empower collaborative response to the needs of the homeless and vulnerable persons in our community, and thirdly, to share in our outcomes and data in the governance and decision making of the alliance.”

The ceremony also included the announcement of efforts by the alliance to engage the community in service of the homeless during the holiday season.

“This Christmas we will bring hope to our unsheltered neighbors who, although there may be no room at the inn, can depend on a more comfortable place to lay their heads this winter,” Edge said.  “We are calling once again on the generosity of our community for donations of items to create a ‘bed in a bag.’  We are also asking for monetary donations for what I call ‘the triple threat,’ which are a backpack, coats and a sleeping bag.”

More details will be forthcoming via a new website at hopeallianceofrome.org.

You can donate now by making checks out to the Community Foundation for Greater Rome with HOPE Allisnce specified in the memo line.

Checks should be mailed to:

215 Broad St, Ste 105

Rome, Georgia 30161

You can also give online now at https://cffgr.org/contact/