Rome City Commission meets Monday

January 24, 2021–3:12 p.m.


The Rome City Commission  is expected to set qualifying fees for candidates and early voting dates for the 2021 Municipal Elections when they meet Monday night.

The proposed fees will be 3% of the annual commissioner and city school board salary and will be paid during the August 16 through August 20 qualifying period.

Early voting would begin on Monday, October 11 and extend through Friday, October 29.

Weekend voting would be on Saturday, October 23 and Sunday, October 24.

Also on the agenda for Monday’s meeting is a resolution for the issuance of multi-family housing revenue bonds by the Northwest Georgia Housing Authority.

The $12.6 million dollars in bonds would be used to finance the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipping of a 121-units of multifamily housing known as Dallas Manor in Paulding County and Tamassee Apartments in Rome.

There is no liability for the City of Rome.

The commission meeting will be held virtually via Zoon and Facebook Live starting at 6:30 p.m.

The caucus begins at 6.

You can view the full agenda HERE.