Fatal wreck Saturday on Highway 53/Farmville Road, GSP investigating

July 27th, 2021 – 3:00 PM

Staff Reports –

An investigation conducted by the Georgia State Patrol is underway into a fatal wreck that occurred on Hwy. 53 at Farmville Road on Saturday (7/24/21) around 11:00 AM.

According to information provided by the Georgia State Patrol, a 2016 red Kia Soul was traveling east on GA 53 in the eastbound lane when it made an improper left turn from the eastbound lane toward a driveway, into the path of a 2020 grey Ford Escape.

The Kia Soul struck the Ford Escape in the front left area with its front end area.

The area of impact was in the left westbound lane of GA 53 approximately 550 feet west of Farmville Road.

After the crash, the Kia Soul was caused to rotate clockwise and begin traveling off the south edge of the roadway in a west direction. It rolled (no braking evidence) approximately 216 feet before coming to a final uncontrolled rest facing a southwest direction

The driver of the red Kia Soul, A 68-year-old Sara Popham of a Calhoun address, suffered fatal injuries as a result of the accident.