Elections office move beginning

December 15, 2021–12:09 p.m.


The process of moving the Floyd County Elections Office from the basement of the county administration building on 4th Avenue to the health department building on East 12th Street is getting underway.

Floyd County Facilities Manager Ryan Davis gave an update during Wednesday’s Floyd County Board of Commissioners Public Utilities & Transportation Committee meeting.

“This is obviously where my focus is right now and will be through the end of January, the beginning of February, or even the end of February,” he said.  “I said the design is 95% complete, and that’s only because there are some changes with the elections board.  When the new people come in or the interim elections supervisors, they have comments, questions, and changes they want to make.”

On Monday and Tuesday of this week, the upstairs storage area of the health department was completely cleaned out.

“That was key for us to be able to start getting the storage area for elections built,” Davis said.  “We’re hoping that could get started, maybe by the end of this week or the beginning of next week.  That’s my first step, to give a secure area where the elections equipment can leave the administration building and go over to the health department.  Then we can start getting the office space moved out of the admin building and over to the health department.”

Davis did not give a timeline for when the move will be completed, but he said the goal is to move as quickly as possible.